Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The puzzle cube

Wood Plans Woodworking Carpentry Download
Heres a quickie project you can make in an hour. I found myself really humbled by the difficulty of making extremely accurate straight cuts with my less-than-Norm tools.

And if I could rant for a moment, I hate dealing with my bandsaw! It is such a pain in the ass to change blades. I practically have to disassemble the whole thing, then get it all aligned on the wheels, then tension it. I never really know if I got the tension correct. The whole process easily takes 20 minutes to half an hour. There has got to be an easier way. Plus, I hate making straight cuts on it. Im sure most of the problem lies in my technique. The blade always seems to drift. Its never as easy as setting up a fence on the table saw.

That said, this is a fun puzzle. And I swear, I must be really dumb because I always have to really think about it for a while to put it together!

Oh, and I got the inspiration last summer at the Marin County Fair:

TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

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